Jump Academy #4

Its a new season, and a new opportunity for me to blog about cool things that I see on the cross country course. Letty, Moxee, Viki, Lanie and me all went down to California to get the winter rains off our reins. We schooled at Fresno Horse Park and that set us up well to go to Twin Rivers HT in Paso Robles. The cross country course was designed by James Atkinson, and I liked this combination he made for the CCI* course.

As I see it, anytime a course designer throws terrain changes, turns and related distances into one cauldron, its magic because there are SO many ways to screw it up as a rider! You can get stuck in a corner, instead of gently flowing through a curve. You can also overuse your hand on the terrain, when you should give up some of the OCD tendencies and let your horse take care of himself. Easier said than done, I know. But here is a great combination that I videoed and my Vlog that describes it. I hope you like it!


Ray’s Storm Vlog #1
